Friday, July 14, 2017

Kill Windows Processes and Services by Port Number

Each and every Windows Operating System uses the Desktop Application, Command line instruction and many background processes for executing and performing the job.

But Sometimes It becomes so difficult to close the application by the mouse when Application or Windows services are not responding.  Windows comes with another feature for terminating services by the knowledge of the port number on which process is running on by command line instruction.

In this post, I am going to give you the example of command line instruction for terminating the windows services by the knowledge of port number.

Let me, In my system I have started MySQL server. MySQL services run on the port number 3306 by default, if the user has not changes the port number during the installation process. So I will open my Command prompt and I will type

netstat -a -o

This statement will enlist all the running services detail along with the Port Number and PID number.
I will track the PID with knowledge of the port number and after I will use that PID number for executing the service running on the given  Port Number.

Command line Instruction for terminating service by the acknowledgment of PID number.

taskkill /pid <PID NUMBER> /f

The above-given command will terminate the service running on the given port number.
So finally windows process or service which running on Port Number 3306 i.e. PID Number - 2716
will be terminated.

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

What is Cloud Computing [definition and uses]

To understand the concept of cloud computing exactly , firstly forget the storage devices such as hard disc , Memory chip , hard drives  etc. Because of there is no any relation between cloud computing and these storage devices for storing the information of people , organization or of any company. Cloud computing refers a way by which we utilities the application software for storing the information and data on the Internet Server in cloud.

About Cloud

The first term of cloud computing i.e. cloud can be defined as Internet or Network. In another way we can say that cloud a region in the space which can be used  by us remotely . Cloud can be used  by us using network by two way i. e. private Network or Public Network as VAN , LAN , WAN etc.

What's cloud computing

    Cloud computing refers to maintaining , organizing  , manipulating , configuring and accessing

Tuesday, August 02, 2016

Use of windows key of your pc

Keyboard is the most important part of any computer and without keyboard we can't perform many task on computer. In Computer , There is many types of key used by the user for manipulating many operation on computer. Function of each and every key of our computer is totally different from each other. Keys which are mostly used by user on computer are Function key ( F1  to  F12 ), Home , End ,
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