Sunday, July 24, 2016

Magic Trick for watching youtube video offline in mobile

As we know that Youtube is the world best video hosting site where we can find a lots of video for entertainment , education , training,  event activitities and on many more topic etc.  Till today whenever we need to watch a movie, video , inspiration speech or want to listen any music then we move to the Youtube even we go on Youtube for for finding the solution of any problem. But it expenses our Data pack so much and also one problem  of video buffering due to slow internet speed.
 But below you will find a alternative method by which anyone can watch video offline without

Saturday, July 23, 2016

Know about your Smartphone Network i.e. CDMA and GSM

If you are using smartphone then already you have heard about CDMA and GSM network. But you don't know what's  these network are ? These both type SIM  are kind of Mobile Network. In all over the world all mobile phone are mostly based on  these two

New ANDROID N 7.0 version (Nougat) launched (some interesting fact)

One of the most popular operating system for Smartphone , Android  has been came in the market with a great pleasure for the user after declaring  the new version of Android Operating System. As we know that previous version of Android name was start from M. The next version of android is ANDROID 7.0 and  this version of android has been name as Nougat. This version of Android has been came in the market  after

Friday, July 22, 2016

Solve hanging problem of Smartphone by some tips

Are you facing the problem of hanging again and again in your smartphone ? Whenever you are going to do any important task on your smartphone or you are downloading very important document , video , music or something other or you are going to playing game then hanging problem teased to you very much ?

Don't worry you are write place for your solving problem. Below in this post I am going to give some tips by

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